Youth Corner
Hey Kids! Want to learn more about Soccer to aspire to play Soccer for Elk River High School one day?
The Elk River High School Girls Soccer Program is open to athletes grades 7-12. The program offers a fun freestyle summer practice program with tryouts mid-August. The fun of the season runs from August to November. Season practice is every day after school with most games in September 2-3 per week.
How do you SPEAK soccer?
Shout out to a special youth from our local library! Youth Corner was inspired by an aspiring young soccer enthusiast who visited a local library to research soccer, found our site and reached out to learn more. We hope this information inspires more youth to learn about and play soccer.
Disclaimer: All information linked to Youth Corner is sourced from 3rd party sites for purposes of education and is not owned by the Booster Club. All credits to the linked sources. The ERHS Booster Club - Girls Soccer does not endorse these sites.